Saturday, March 10, 2012


Today I dropped T at a birthday party and had two whole hours to myself. Heaven! It was a beautiful day, so I took my camera to Heckrodt Wetlands Nature Preserve for a hike. What really caught my eye today was texture. Lots and lots of texture. I really wish I could have captured the sounds in a photo, too. The sound of the wind in the trees was amazing.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

Yesterday I took T to the Orchid Show. I figured she would enjoy it because we recently read a book that had orchids in it and she loved looking at pictures of them online. My theory was that she would admire the flowers and I would take pictures of them. Yeah. Why did I think that was a good idea? I did get a few good shots, but I spent most of my time chasing her down trying to keep her from touching (destroying) the displays. We did come home with a chocolate orchid that smells divine, so it wasn't a total loss. Now bets are on: how long will it take me to kill it? (The orchid, not T.)