Thursday, February 16, 2012


Today I did something very different. After I dropped T off at school I left C with a friend and spent an hour with a life coach. It was a pretty fantastic hour. Setting aside the fact that apparently C cried the entire time I was gone (Sweet! There goes the mommy-guilt into high gear!) it was an amazing experience.

One of the things I noticed during my session is just how much my past therapy, reading, and work have actually sunk in. It seems that I am pretty good at reframing my negative voice. Which is a great first step. But as I was driving to pick C up I realized something - yes, I can reframe negative thoughts well. Yes, I understand that making time for myself is actually good for everyone. But for me that knowledge has always been theoretical. Objective. I have difficulty putting it into action. Why is that?  Why do I feel like other people deserve it more than I do? I don't have an answer yet, but I'm working on it. It has only been a few hours, after all. Something else I discovered is that it seems to really help having someone else tell me that making time for myself isn't only good, but it's necessary. She had me envision what life would be like 5 years from now and 10 years from now if I don't make time, and it wasn't pretty. So I am going to try to be as mindful as possible and give less attention to my inner negative voice and more attention to my inner peaceful voice. Life is a journey. It will be interesting to see where this journey takes me!

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